Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

sketch post: wagner time

Another batch of sketches from old and current sketchbooks, this time pen and ink. Sammy, the cat, is likely to appear in most of these sketch posts as he is always around to pose and I see him so much that I can draw him from memory fairly easily.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

King of Infinite Spaces

This image ultimately stemmed from the reflections of the sky on the water of the small pond in front of this father and son. The feeling of a vast elongation of the world through the mirroring of water and sky laid out before the two of them made me think of one of the defining books of my childhood, Sophie's World, one of the messages of which that a child (and, ideally philosophers) have an endless capacity for wonder and discovery. For that little boy, there was no break between the solid world in front of him and the untouchable mystery of the blue sky, only an infinite world of possibility.